Wednesday, February 16, 2011

I Can't Abide

Trad/John Dengate

I can't abide the government's front bench, send them away to the Germans or the French
I can't abide Costello's shallow sneer - won't someone make the bastard disappear?

I can't abide that bloody awful Kemp, bring back the gallows, the hangman and the hemp
Take Peter Reith and dump him in the tide. Him I particularly can't abide

Poor little John deserves our sympathy, born neath the star of mediocrity
Pat his wee head and send him off to bed, then hide the key lest he abide with me

I can't abide the government's ministry, Senator Vanstone's worse than dysentry
Send her away without the least delay - dont pour the tea lest she abide with me

Sink them the swine, an iceberg would be fine. Far, far away in distant Hudson Bay
As they go down they'll warble while they drown, flat and off-key, they'll be despised by me

I can't abide the government's front bench, send them away to the Germans or the French
Take Peter Reith and dump him in the tide. Him I particularly can't abide

A great bit of political satire by John Dengate. Written during the fiercely divisive Australian waterfront dispute in 1998, between Patrick Stevedores and the Maritime Union of Australia. You'll find a review of events from one perspective in Tom Bramble'sWar on the Waterfront published by the Brisbane Defend Our Unions Committee.

Cast of characters:

"Poor little John" - John Howard (Prime Minister)
Peter Costello (Treasurer)
Peter Reith (Industrial Relations Minister)
David Kemp (Education Minister)
Amanda Vanstone (Employment Minister)

1 comment:

  1. Love what you're doing John. There's an old(ish) adage "never name your blog ...a day"; you're a brave man. May you succeed and make us all richer by it.

